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So far boldrocchi-group has created 29 blog entries.

Nitrogen + Syngas Conference 2019


Boldrocchi is proud to be taking part in CRU's Nitrogen + Syngas Conference, one of the most respected technical events for the global nitrogen and syngas community. The conference is taking place in Berlin, from March 4th to 7th, 2019. Our specialists are looking forward to meeting you and introducing our latest developments. Whether you are working on a new project, revamping an existing plant, or trying to improve performance, stop by booth 55.

Nitrogen + Syngas Conference 20192021-05-10T14:03:24+00:00

Optimizing the Steam Reformer Process in Indonesia with Carefully Designed Fan Systems


Products: Fans
Industry: Fertilizer & Chemical
Location: Banggai Regency, Indonesia

Boldrocchi engineered, manufactured and tested complex fan systems to optimize the steam reforming process at the Banggai Ammonia Project, a new ammonia plant commissioned in 2017 for Panca Amara Utama (PAU), in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. These fan systems are essential to achieving reformer performance targets. They are also highly engineered systems with a complex series of integrated […]

Optimizing the Steam Reformer Process in Indonesia with Carefully Designed Fan Systems2021-05-10T14:05:14+00:00

A Series of Complex Fan Packages for a New Urea Granulation Unit


Products: Fans
Industry: Fertilizer & Chemical

Boldrocchi completed a contract at a nitrogen production plant that was undergoing an expansion. We had been hired to be a single point of responsibility for the complete fan machinery train of the fluid bed urea granulation unit, up to the main process interface. This fluid bed technology is setting the world market standard and Boldrocchi has experience in designing fan systems to […]

A Series of Complex Fan Packages for a New Urea Granulation Unit2021-05-10T14:05:48+00:00

Boldrocchi Converts ESPs to Fabric Filters in Thailand


Products: Air Pollution Control, Dust Removal, Services & Retrofits
Industry: Cement & Lime
Location: Tambon Pukrang, Thailand

Boldrocchi was contracted to perform a conversion to transform several electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) into fabric filters on line 2 kiln & raw mill in Tambon Pukrang, Thailand. We are also providing ID fans for the project, slated to be complete in 2019.


A conversion is when the external casing […]

Boldrocchi Converts ESPs to Fabric Filters in Thailand2021-05-10T14:06:22+00:00

Engineering Fan Systems for a Hydrogen Reformer at a Photovoltaic Power Plant in Bulgaria


Products: Fans
Industry: Power, Waste-to-Energy & Biomass / Oil & Gas
Location: Burgas, Bulgaria

Boldrocchi was hired in 2017 to provide the fan systems for a hydrogen reformer at a photovoltaic power plant (PPP) near Burgas, Bulgaria. Boldrocchi designed, manufactured and tested the combustion air and flue gas fan and its system for this project.

It involved a 700 kW induced draft fan and the fan machinery train. What was […]

Engineering Fan Systems for a Hydrogen Reformer at a Photovoltaic Power Plant in Bulgaria2021-05-10T14:07:02+00:00

Closing an Open-Cycle Circuit on a Gas Turbine in Oman


Products: Gas Turbine Systems, Heavy-Duty Dampers & Diverters
Industry: Oil & Gas
Location: Amal, Oman

Boldrocchi has done several projects for Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), including one in Amal in which we helped close an existing open cycle circuit on a GE turbine. We designed four various dampers and diverters and had them made on-site, constantly supervising fabrication. Installation of the diverter, also supervised by Boldrocchi, was a significant […]

Closing an Open-Cycle Circuit on a Gas Turbine in Oman2021-05-10T14:10:12+00:00

Designing a Fabric Filter for Low Emissions & Reduced Consumption in Missouri


Products: Air Pollution Control, Dust Removal
Industry: Cement & Lime
Location: Cape Girardeau, USA

The fabric filter on the kiln & raw mill at Buzzi Unicem USA’s Cape Girardeau plant was past its useful life and Boldrocchi was awarded a turnkey flange-to-flange contract to replace it, along with the filter’s ID fan, emergency / fresh air damper and dust transport system for commissioning in spring 2018. […]

Designing a Fabric Filter for Low Emissions & Reduced Consumption in Missouri2019-02-14T12:59:53+00:00

Converting ESPs into Fabric Filters to Save CAPEX in Turkey


Products: Air Pollution Control, Dust Removal, Services & Retrofits
Industry: Cement & Lime
Location: Lalapaşa, Edirne, Turkey

In Spring 2018, Boldrocchi completed a project to convert two aging electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) into fabric filters (baghouses) for the Trakya plant in Turkey. We did the engineering and manufacturing, as well as the design of the mechanical, electrical and automation systems.

Time is everything

The challenge in this project was […]

Converting ESPs into Fabric Filters to Save CAPEX in Turkey2021-05-10T14:28:36+00:00

Boldrocchi Custom-Makes 46 Nuisance Filters for a Cement Plant in India


Products: Air Pollution Control, Dust Removal
Industry: Cement & Lime
Location: Kodla, India

In October 2017, Boldrocchi was contracted to engineer and manufacture 46 customized nuisance filters for the Karnataka Cement Plant in Kodla, India with an extremely tight delivery timeline: four months after contract signing.

Boldrocchi analysed the various dedusting requirements and tailor-made each of the nuisance filters to attain the customer’s overall performance objectives, including a low pressure drop and […]

Boldrocchi Custom-Makes 46 Nuisance Filters for a Cement Plant in India2021-05-10T14:29:52+00:00

Boldrocchi Successfully Tests 7m X 7m Diverter for Gas Turbines


Products: Gas Turbine Systems, Heavy-Duty Process Dampers
Industry: Gas Turbine Power
Location: Middle-East

Boldrocchi welcomed over 30 customers from some of the largest OEMs to its in-house testing facilities near Milan, Italy in 2018, for the functional testing of an enormous 7m X 7m (23’ X 23’) diverter damper. The gas turbine diverter, one of three delivered to the client, not only offers extreme capacity, but surpasses the […]

Boldrocchi Successfully Tests 7m X 7m Diverter for Gas Turbines2022-02-28T13:29:35+00:00
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